Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Dolor del Estomago...

Woke up this morning feeling slightly under-the-weather. Mi estomago me esta molestando (my stomach is bothering me). I hope it's just something that'll pass quickly without turning out to be Giardia or something of the like! NO! STAY AWAY PARASITES! Speaking of Giardia... one of the volunteers has decided that he is going to be the parasite for Halloween. I wonder how well that will go over with the rest of the foreigners. Good luck, David!

Anyhow, I will not be participating in the Dia de los Muertos festivities because I will be travelling to Puno and Lake Titicaca - it borders Peru and Bolivia and the islands in the center are FLOATING! Meaning no attachment whatsoever to the bottom of the lake and it's supposed to be absolutely stunning. I'm bringing my camera along to take pictures of the whole shabang. Fun fun fun.

Before I went to bed last night I told myself that there was something that I absolutely HAD to include in this blog, but, of course, now I don't have the slightest idea what it was. I suppose if it is important it shall resurface again.

Tonight is the last night in Urubamba for 2 of the volunteers (Jenny and Rhiana) and I am rather depressed about it, but as our goodbye fiesta we are going to a Karaoke bar! I am having an out of body experience due to the excitement this has created within my soul! YAY

Ciao y besos.

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