Saturday, October 31, 2009


"Yes, the time has come,¨ the gringa said, ¨to talk of many things - like weekends, illnesses, and concerts, but especially of Halloween!¨

Today is the day! Halloween is here at last! My costume is a rather extravagant Caperucita Roja (Little Red Ridin Hood). My cape is being handmade as we speak. I bought a red dress and altered it myself. Also have, a cute little apron, makeup, and I am still looking for a basket and black shoes. All of the proPeru volunteers are heading over to the headquarters of the German NGO and we´re going to hang out with them tonight. I am quite excited and hopefully my stomach will be feeing slightly better by tonight.

Recap of yesterday-- Went to Cusco with Agnes, David, and Tugce, where we all went to the Eva Ayllon concert! She is a famous criolle Peruvian singer with a deep raspy voice. Much fun to see. The best part was this drumming duet in the middle of the concert. Both of the drummers were absolutely fantastic and were hitting box-like things that don´t resemble drums at all...

I wasn´t feeling well (stomach issues) and so I decided to call it a night around 12:30. David followed shortly after, but the rest of the girls stayed out til 5 in the morning. I have no idea how they are planning on staying awake tonight, but only time will tell.

I am quite anxious to see what the festivities will be during Dia de los Vivos y Dia de Los Muertos. Spending it in an actual South American town will be an experience!

Ciao y besos.

1 comment:

  1. Must have been too much fun if u couldn't blog the next day! ;)
