Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Blogging Frenzy

I have no idea what is causing this vigorous blogging habit that has lately been instilled in me, but I rather like it. I just got back from my only project that is outside of Urubamba. It ia an environmental organization that works with children on sustainability and the importance of treating our environment with respect- set in an elementary school in Ollantaytambo (a generally more touristy town in the Sacred Valley). We were making signs for their festival on Thursday. It was too cute to watch all of the kids go from distrusting me as a foreigner and a new volunteer to crawling all over me asking if I could teach them how to draw trees and butterflies. It's not that ANIA (the organization) really needs volunteers to help them, but it's fun to be with the kids and watch them begin to get comfortable with the idea of diversity and cultural differences. I tend to forget how pure other cultures are...Most of the world is not blessed with the melting pot that makes up the United States.

1 comment:

  1. I love reading it Marygirl, so keep the entries coming :)
