Friday, October 23, 2009

CANSADITA? that's an understatement...

I just returned from a 4 hour hike (STRAIGHT UPHILL) to Marcuray- a village in the mountains surrounding Urubamba Valley currently home to 39 families who only speak Quechua (the native language). We went to the small, two classroom school and taught the 9 children "Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes" as well as "Cabeza, Hombros, Rodillas, Dedos" and then had a heartwarming game of kick the ball to the gringas to see how far they can kick it. (I am glad to say that as unathletic as I am, I held my own, thank you VERY much.) Despite the horrendous ascent, we descended upon one of the most gorgeous waterfalls I have ever seen which made me extremely nostalgic for the beaches of California and just plain water. True, my house is about 5 blocks from the Urubamba River, but it looks more like a garbage dump than a river anyway...

I went out partying with two of the volunteers (Brian and Leah) on Wednesday night and came upon a group of extremely awkward Peruvians dancing in a circle. So I took it upon myself to jump into the middle of the circle and start a REAL dance party, meanwhile screaming "Mi amigo no va a bailar porque ustedes estan en un circulo!" They had a nice laugh at the gringa ordering them around, but hey. I sure did break the ice since from then on the floor was actually a dance floor.

Last thing, I feel it is necessary to explain the title of my blog (gringita bonita). Not that it's very exciting, it's just that one of the kids from my ex-1st grade class in Urubamba started calling me that and from then on I couldn't shake the name.

Ciao y besos.

1 comment:

  1. Maaaarrrrrry! This is fascinating stuff ma dear. Glad to hear you are having fun DOWN THERE. Good luck, keep blogging and as a very old man said to me in Honduras, "a la ocasion la pintan calva."
    Much love,
    Matt WIlliams

    PS: If you see Alejandro, say hi for me.
