Wednesday, November 25, 2009


I finally bought her. and she is a BEAUTY, if you ask me (although I know nothing about guitars...) Made out of cedar, gorgeous design, perfect fit. I can't wait to start taking guitar lessons so that I can actually learn some new techniques rather than just the simple strumming and chords that I know. Today all of the volunteers went on an adventure in Cusco with our spanish teacher, Reyner. We first stopped at a "Cebicheria" (disgusting. raw seafood with citrus dressing) and my green salad was more than satisfactory. Then a tour of the first book store I've seen in all of Peru, a trip to the guitar making man to pick out my guitar, next to a Pasteleria for some desserts and then finished with some organic coffee from the Cusco coffee place. YUM. It was an extremely fun outing and as it is wednesday and thanksgiving is tomorrow, we will all be heading out tonight for some evening festivities with the german volunteers.

I AM SO EXCITED ABOUT MY GUITAR!!! Pictures to follow...

Ciao y besos.

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