Saturday, November 14, 2009

I Tried Blogging, but the damn internet keeps shutting off…

I feel like I'm in Brazil what with the rolling blackouts that are occurring here. Although, I'm not sure whether the blackouts are occurring on a schedule (just as the water in all of Urubamba shuts off from 10 pm to 4 am) or not. I've just discovered that I can blog from Microsoft Word, so this will make my blogging life much easier as I can type in the comfort ( or rather discomfort since my mattress is made out of wood…) of my room and then submit my post as soon as I get to the proPeru office or some place with wireless connection. That is, if the wireless is working.

I'm at the half way point of my 3 months here and I can NOT begin to fathom how time has flown by so quickly! I suppose it has just been the fact that every day is so different from the next and you never know what to expect. I have no sort of daily or weekly routine and as I become more and more comfortable around the volunteers, we find new and exciting places to explore or people to hang out with. Yesterday, I had 15 girls attempt to braid my hair at ANIA (the environmental after-school project I work at) and the wonder at the color of my hair and the fact that I do not dye it to achieve this color was incredible. These 9 and 10 year old girls already dye their hair to try and appear different from the same Peruvian mold that gives them the same features as everyone else here.

On Monday night, we had the most amazing hour dance class at the office with most of the volunteers. We learned the basic steps for salsa, meringue, afro-peruvian infused hip-hop, and atleast 3 other traditional dances that I cannot, for the life of me, remember what they are called. Aima, the woman in charge of ANIA at Ollantaytambo, kindly offered to teach us for a mere 11 soles (about $3.50) an hour. All the volunteers agreed that we need to do this more often as we could not keep up with her for more than a minute at a time! What an aerobic workout.

Still haven't bought my guitar, but I'm hoping that will happen sometime this or next weekend…

Ciao y besos.

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