Saturday, November 21, 2009

It's been a while...

This past week was extremely busy. Tuesday was possibly the busiest day - woke up at 6:30 to shower, Spanish class from 9-12, volunteer work ran 2 hours longer than expected as Leah and I discussed goals on how to further the environmental program in Ollantaytambo, returned to Urubamba around 6 - did some last minute shopping with Agnes before the volunteer dinner. The pasta I prepared turned to mush, but it was rather good mush atleast. Anyway, a taste of the day to day as a proPeru volunteer.

Interesting cultural note: the sale of illegal movies and Cds is unquestioned and simply a part of everyday life. Agnes, David, and I visited Cusco this morning and went to "El Molino" which is a market almost entirely devoted to the sale of illegal copies of any item or replicas of brand name shoes and clothing. Let me tell you, quite the collection. I have yet to see a store that sells legal copies of anything. My host family's CD and DVD collection attests to the fact that it is harder to find legal items than illegal ones.

Haven't purchased my guitar yet. Maybe next week.

Ciao y besos.

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