Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Para estar enferma, necesitas estar RICA.

Last night I literally thought I was going to die. If you've never had a parasite, you probably have NO idea what I'm talking about (although, hey, can't say that I've birthed a baby, so maybe somethings are more painful)... I mean, heck! I've had my fair share of pain - appendicitis and the following procedure in Venice, Italy, reaction to the Yellow Fever vaccine... Anyway, enough reminiscing on that subject.

Went to the clinic this morning, fainted when they drew my blood (probably because I haven't eaten anything in 5 days), and got the results - stomach infection and amoeba parasites in my intestines. GREAT! I am on a strict diet of rice (plain), COOKED carrots and peas, and GATORADE. If I was "observing" the Peruvian culture as a historian or an anthropologist, I would SWEAR that Peruvians thought gatorade was a God. Headache? Gatorade. Twisted ankle? Gotta get those electrolytes. Parasite eating away at your intestines?? You guessed it.

My most profound revelation here is that in order to be sick, you better be rich. No insurance (it's basically unheard of), and every single item is billed to you. Blood sample? 15 soles. Needle used to draw blood? 20 soles. Cotton ball used to stop bleeding? Nah. Just kidding. But who knows, the receit is a bunch of gibberish to be, especially since it's in SPANISH MEDICAL VOCAB. I don't even understand english medical terms... Basically, my account is draining and so are my bodily fluids. What a loverrrrrrly combination.

Oh, and if you are either my father or mother, a call to my cellular device would be greatly appreciated.

Ciao y besos.

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