Monday, November 9, 2009

A Not So Feliz Ending to el Dia de Urubamba...

The Plaza de Armas was literally out of control. Drunken men (borrachos) were stumbling around grabbing onto any moving object they could find. Two men in gold glittery jumpsuits were bounding around on the massive stage in front of the Cathedral apparently trying to infuse pop culture into traditional music - this just turned out looking like N*sync without practicing and coordinating their dance moves... La Policia were wandering around attempting to keep control of the masses (and I MEAN masses...I have never seen this many people in Peru at one time). The horrendous music was so loud that it penetrated your skull even blocks away from the fiesta. Apparently, the festivities lasted until around 5 am, although, i wouldn't know as my mood had flipped from appreciative to disgusted/frustrated around 11 pm.

As I was dancing around, I decided I needed to run back to my house to change my flip flops into more appropriate exercise attire. I pushed my way through the crowd and felt a hand go into the pocket of my sweatshirt - in the knick of time, I swatted the hand away and held on to the cell phone that was inside. Literally 30 seconds later someone SPITS on my neck and when I reached my hand up to wipe it off, the man puts his hand back in my pocket, grabs the cell phone, and runs. It was UNBELIEVABLE. I am not one to put up a huge fuss about something getting pickpocketed, especially since the cell phone costed about 30 dollars BUT the simple fact that he went so far as to SPIT on me to get it? NOT OK. Lesson learned. If someone spits on you, immediately grab on to anything you could possibly have of value.

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