Friday, November 6, 2009


For the past few days I've just been taking it easy on my stomach - letting my health get back up to speed so I can continue immersion as quickly and painlessly as possible.

Last night we had a movie night with all the volunteers at Agnes' little cinema room and watched Quemarse despues de Leerse (Burn After Reading). God that movie gets funnier and funnier each time you see it.

Went to Cusco today with Elena and bought my rainboots! FINALLY! We had to go to a special street to find them, but now I have them and that is all that matters. No more racing around in disgustingly muddy, soaking running shoes. I also bought more yarn (hot pink) to knit another chompa (scarf). I'm giving it to David because he bets that he is manly enough to pull off a feminine scarf. We'll see about that...

A few of us are supposed to be painting one of the locations that we volunteer at, but it seems like that is never going to happen because every time we try to get it together too many other things are happening simultaneously.

Ciao y besos.

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