Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Recap of one of the most amazing weekends I've had in Urubamba to date…

Thursday – Thanksgiving dinner with the rest of the volunteers and the proPeru staff. MUCH FUN! I spent the earlier part of the day creating an absolutely delectable pumpkin pie (or pye de calabaza as it's called here) in Elena's house. No oven and no ground spices meant I had to grind the nutmeg, cloves, and ginger myself as well as use the communal "horno" which no one has any idea about its temperature and caused me to have to double the cooking time of said pumpkin pie… But all things considered… THAT pie ranks with some of the best I've had in my life! I was quite proud of myself.

Friday – Worst of the days. Woke up very late, lounged around, cleaned my room, played guitar for a while, met people for dinner (received an upsetting phone call) and then tried to regain my excitement, but ended up going to bed fairly early instead.

Saturday – SHOWERED!!! In hot water which is always nice… Then went to a picnic at proPeru with ALL of the homestay families. The food was delicious (and very Peruvian!) and we played a few heated games of volleyball—volunteers vs. staff. Volunteers started off weak, but we ended up being quite the team and put ended strongly. It was a lot of fun. Still have some lingering bruises though… Saturday night was Maddie's going away party at the German's. I had great fun DJing with Brian and participating in the festivities. Everyone then headed over to Tequila (the club in Urubamba) for some dancing and a continuation of the party. I had a great dancing partner in Travis and thoroughly enjoyed myself whether on the dance floor breaking a sweat or conversing at the bar or on the sofas in the lounge area. Walked home at 5 am—back to my closet sized room and nonexistent mattress; nevertheless, I call it my Peruvian home.

Sunday – BBQ numero 2 with the Seminarios (a fairly well off Peruvian family due to their pottery/ceramics business which is so beautiful that it is sold in shops all around the world). Delicious food, great company, always a good time.

Anyhow, today I worked for the first time in over 4 days and it was great to get back into the routine of things. We drew self portraits in Los Valientes with the kids and now I have a rather large collection of drawings of myself that the kids did when they were finished with their own. Three of the girls were attempting to persuade me that I have blue eyes rather than green. They got quite a kick out of my response, "Que raro, he tenido ojos verdes para toda mi vida, y ahora son azules? No sabía que sea una bruja…" (English translation: How strange! I've had green eyes for my whole life and now they're blue? I DIDN'T KNOW I WAS A WITCH!!)

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