Monday, December 7, 2009

Una Vacacion...

I'm headed off to Arequipa (an area of Peru on the COAST!) with my host-fam and Elena. Oh, and my host-dad´s class of high school freshmen which should add an interesting twist. Arequipa is said to be much more modern than Urubamba, and even Cusco. They have a movie theatre (that is currently playing New Moon in english with spanish subtitles! HUZZAHHHHHH) and a lot of expensive restaurants. They also have the museum that holds JUANITA - the mummified girl found in a glacier in the mountains of Peru. Historians believe that she was a sacrifice to the Incan Mountain god.

The bus ride there will be approximately 8 hours and as we are leaving at night, expected arrival time is 4 am. Hopefully I'll be able to sleep the whole way.

I'm sure my updates will be more interesting once I actually get there so, stay TUNED.

Ciao y besos.

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