Friday, March 12, 2010


This has certainly been a fulfilling (if not exhausting) first week in Peru. I've become fully acquainted with Arcoiris (the Rainbow Center - a school for special needs children in Urubamba) and absolutely ADORE all of the children there. I had the unique opportunity to assist in the physiotherapy of infants with cerebral palsy yesterday which, of course, was amazing... It is so obvious that these babies and toddlers carry so much stress and anxiety in their lives stemming from being unable to move properly and communicate their needs. Before Kiya Survivors (NGO based in the UK) offered physiotherapy and classes for these children (for FREE - I might add), their lives were short as they wasted away in filthy huts with parents who have absolutely no idea what to do with a child that cannot function on their own. After physiotherapy, Alex, AC, Becky, and I entertained the children, and ourselves!, with bubble blowing!! It was quite the afternoon - filled with much sunshine and laughter...literally.

Other than a few fights with my front door, my phone breaking mysteriously and then being told by the peruvian phone company that the phone was indeed broken (ummm....thank you? wait, why did I come in here in the first place??) and that the only solution to my problem was to PURCHASE a new one..., and the close battle to the death between a scorpion and me (i am sorry to report the scorpion is not around to tell his side of the story), this week has been an INCREDIBLE reentry back into the Peruvian culture.

Ciao y besos

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