Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Wow. Back in Urubamba. It feels like I haven't left except for the fact that the countryside is BEAUTIFUL. The rainy season had just begun in the last weeks of my adventure and everything was still brown and dead and barren after 7 months of the dry season. Now, as the rainy season is coming to an end (leaving much destruction in the Sacred Valley, as house were swept away in the flooding Urubamba river), Peru looks like a grassy paradise. Beautiful patches of yellow and purple flowers decorate the greenery. From the mountains to the valleys, it's all very Heidi-esk. Today I am donning a pastel-colored, flowy dress, and am constantly fighting hthe urge to braid my hair with flowers and go running through the hills singing (naturally) ¨the hills are alivvvvveeeeee with the sound of music!!!!¨

I am utterly radiant with happiness despite the fact that I am clearly being affected by the altitude. Oh, and remind me to get some earplugs because the dogs that bark outside my window at night are slightly annoying - scratch that - VERY ANNOYING.

Well, I am off to do some shopping for food and other necessities.

Ciao y besos.

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