Sunday, March 28, 2010


You know what bothers me? The fact that I cannot access the ¨at¨ sign on a keyboard down here. Oh yes, it is there. There is a pretty little picture of it on next to the number 2, but when I hit shift? Oh no. It does NOT appear. So, what does this mean for me. Well..... I can't access this blog, or my facebook, or type in people's email addresses to send them emails without having to actually google the words 'at sign', copy it, and paste it to every page I try to log in to. Now, you may say, "Mary.... Come on now.... That's not asking too much!" and you know what I say in return? THEN WHY IS IT ON THE KEYBOARD TAUNTING ME?!?!?!?! Wow. That was special.

In relevant other news:

Spent the weekend in Cusco. It was fun, but not normal fun for Cusco as I was trying desperately to recover from this horrible cold and the giardia that have invaded my intenstinal area.

I have made a discovery about myself though... I SUCK at pool. And by that, I really mean, SUCK. Unfortunately, this is not something I can blame on the altitude, I don't think. I used to be able to hold my own, but now? It's just painfully embarrassing! Blech. Must practice.

I have also discovered the joys of playing the card game that was show-cased in Inglorious Basterds. The one where you write down the name of someone famous and then everyone puts a card on their forehead and you have to guess who you are through yes or no questions. I love it!

I swear I will post pictures in my next entry....

Ciao y besos.

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