Sunday, March 21, 2010

El Fin De Semana

After working at school on Friday, and hammering it up on the guitar - leaving my fingers sore for a few days...., the Kiya survivors and I went to Cusco for a night of extravanganzas! We went to this unbelievable restaurant called Fallen Angel for a certainly expensive, yet delicious meal. The theme is (naturally) Heaven and Hell and you eat over bathtubs that have been converted into fish tanks. There are couches with heart pillows and leopard print seats, baby angels hanging from the ceiling, and the most interesting are the bathrooms... The men´s is filled with cracked mirrors providing a spooky and gloomy atmosphere, but not quite as scary as the women´s which is wired through with barbed wired and thorny flowers - topped off with blood red walls and flourescent lighting. QUITE the experience! We then visited a few clubs and had salsa lessons. Alex and I won a game of pool without getting a SINGLE ball into the pockets (Becky and Andrea knocked that 8 ball in...thankfully!)

I´ve introduced alfajores and tres leches cake into the lives of the other volunteers and they seem to be quite content with them. Wait, content is the understatement of the year.

Interesting Note:

Apparently 15 year old peruvian boys think the most funny thing in the world is throwing bottles of coca-cola onto gringas. Those gringas being me, as I am finishing an excrutiating 2 hour hike up to the small community of Pumawanka. I certainly thought so.

ciao y besos.

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